La Cité de l'Histoire

Developed the UX/UI design and visual communication for La Cité de l'Histoire, an immersive historical experience in Paris.

UX/UI Designer

La Cité de l'Histoire is an immersive historical experience located in Paris, offering visitors a journey through time with innovative storytelling and cutting-edge technology. The project aims to bring history to life, allowing guests to explore significant events and periods in a highly engaging and interactive manner. The website for La Cité de l'Histoire was developed through my agency, OOEO, to complement this immersive experience.

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As the UX/UI Designer and Visual Communication lead for La Cité de l'Histoire, I was responsible for the overall user experience and interface design of the website. This involved extensive UX research to understand the needs and behaviors of potential visitors, ensuring the website is intuitive and engaging. Additionally, I created various visual elements and marketing materials to promote the museum, including digital ads and on-site visuals that enhance the storytelling experience within the museum itself.

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La Cité de l'Histoire

Working on La Cité de l'Histoire was a unique opportunity to blend digital design with cultural education. The project not only required a seamless and user-friendly website but also an integrated approach to visual communication that supports the museum's mission to make history accessible and engaging for all ages. Through this collaboration, I was able to contribute to a project that educates and inspires, demonstrating the power of well-executed design in enhancing both digital and physical visitor experiences.